Thermal Bath and Aromatherapy
San Sebastian

San Sebastián and His Legend in the Cathedral of Mallorca

written by Es Príncep / January 15, 2024

January is the month of the main saints in Mallorca. In Palma, on the 20th, the city celebrates the feast of its patron saint, San Sebastián, who has a fascinating story and a relic of part of the saint's arm, preserved in the Cathedral.

In the year 1523, the city of Rhodes in the southeastern Aegean Sea had long been besieged by Turkish troops, who had defeated the military orders that emerged during the Crusades. On the island was the relic of San Sebastián, and the archdeacon of the city, Manuel Surianesgui, could not allow it to fall into Muslim hands. Therefore, as he fled to the Iberian Peninsula, he took it with him on his journey.

In September, the ship carrying him arrived at the port of Palma. At that time, both the capital and the island were in the midst of a severe plague epidemic that was decimating the population.

After resting for a few days, Surianesgui wanted to set sail again, taking the relic with him. However, a strong storm prevented the ship from leaving the bay.

Every time the priest tried to leave the island with the relic, the sea and the sky opposed him, preventing the boat trip, and time and again, they had to return to port. For this reason, the ecclesiastical authorities determined that the relic should remain in the Cathedral. Once installed, the epidemic began to subside. This event was considered a miracle of the saint, who automatically became the patron saint of the city.

The Relic of San Sebastián in the Cathedral of Mallorca

San Sebastián was a martyr who was pierced by arrows by order of the emperor. His body was recovered by Christians, who buried him in the catacombs of the Via Appia.

In the Seu, for a little over 500 years, one of the saint's relics has been preserved in a 16th-century reliquary made of silver and wood. During the city's patron saint festivities, the relic plays an important role and is visited by faithful and devotees from across the island.

The reliquary consists of a large octagonal base suspended on adorned bases. It is decorated with ovals and mirrors, shapes reminiscent of flames, and other motifs typical of Mallorcan silversmiths from the 16th century.

Ciutat's Grand Celebration

The religious character marks the celebration on January 20th, but these days also offer planned recreational activities for the whole family.

On the night before San Sebastián, the city is filled with 'foguerons,' bonfires where citizens roast all kinds of sausages, bread, and meat to celebrate the festival. That night, live music is played in almost all the important squares of Palma, and the celebration continues into the early morning.

The next day features sports activities, such as the traditional cycling event - weather permitting - and cultural events held at the Bellver Castle, where, for this occasion, the enormous cave upon which the fortress was built is opened.

Throughout the week, Palma buzzes with celebration and color to honor the patron saint who refused to abandon the city to its fate during the plague.


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