Thermal Bath and Aromatherapy
San Juan

Bonfires and Magic: The San Juan Festival in Palma

written by Es Príncep / June 18, 2024

The summer solstice in Mallorca has a special name: the night of San Juan. Every town is filled with people and joy, fire and magic, to celebrate one of the most special nights of the year, which typically marks the beginning of the summer season.

It takes place from the night of June 23rd to the 24th, marking the sun's highest point in the sky. The days have lengthened, but this night, is the shortest of the year.

San Juan, the Night and Its History

The roots of this Christian celebration lie in ancient pagan rituals that believed in the magic of this night to honour the sun and ensure abundance and protection for the new season.

Over time, these celebrations were slowly integrated into Christian festivities in honour of Saint John the Baptist.

The bonfires drive away evil spirits, negative energy, and purify the environment. They burn away everything bad and symbolise prosperity, luck, and good vibes.

In Mallorca, it’s traditional to head to the beaches, light bonfires, and celebrate and toast to San Juan. According to tradition, at midnight, you should immerse yourself in the sea, or at least dip your feet for those who still find the water too cold, as a symbol of renewal and purification.

The Night of San Juan in Palma

The city of Palma transforms into a lively scene filled with torches, fireworks, firecrackers, and "dimonis" (demons), who are guests at nearly every festivity, parading through the Parc de la Mar or in front of the Cathedral.

The spectacle, known as "correfoc," attracts crowds. The demons arrive from all directions to perform fire juggling and scare the unsuspecting to the beat of drum music known as batucada.

The lit fire is the focal point that connects the dimonis and spectators—the former jumping and leaping, while the latter decide whether to join in the revelry or flee the infernal scene.

Other Rituals of the Most Magical Night

The night of San Juan is also known as the night of the witches. It’s a night to connect with nature, and many light candles, burn papers with their wishes, or jump over the bonfires.

And if it coincides with the weekend, as it does this year with the eve of San Juan falling on a Sunday, friends and families gather to celebrate in grand style.

Every town in Mallorca honours the Saint on his night, the shortest of all, wrapped in the joy of a new summer that starts that very day, or perhaps the day before, promising long days, festive nights, holidays, and a slightly more relaxed atmosphere than the rest of the year.


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