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Es Princep
Events and festivities
Plans and activities to do in Palma in Summer 2024
written by Es Príncep / July 23, 2024

We present a summer 2024 full of experiences, plans, and activities to enjoy in Palma during your stay at Es Príncep.These summer months are packed with culture, gas...

Events and festivities
Bonfires and Magic: The San Juan Festival in Palma
written by Es Príncep / June 18, 2024

The summer solstice in Mallorca has a special name: the night of San Juan. Every town is filled with people and joy, fire and magic, to celebrate one of the most special...

Events and festivities
Exploring the 2024 Book Fair in Palma
written by Es Príncep / April 15, 2024

The 2024 Book Fair is gearing up in Palma, and at Es Príncep, we've wanted to find out everything about such a significant event, as well as take a stroll through th...

Events and festivities
Start of Holy Week: Experience Palma's Traditions
written by Es Príncep / March 25, 2024

Holy Week holidays are approaching, and in Palma, some prefer to stay and enjoy the traditions of this time and the good weather that heralds spring.In Ciutat, many...


Fall in love with Palma