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Book Fair

Exploring the 2024 Book Fair in Palma

written by Es Príncep / April 15, 2024

The 2024 Book Fair is gearing up in Palma, and at Es Príncep, we've wanted to find out everything about such a significant event, as well as take a stroll through the streets that will host, weather permitting, the traditional book stalls catering to all tastes and ages.

The Origin of the Book Fair

Did you know that the celebration of World Book Day originates from Spain? In 1926, Alfonso XIII signed and approved the Royal Decree stipulating that October the 7th, the presumed birthday of Miguel de Cervantes, would be celebrated as World Book Day.

And so it was for five years, but soon there were some dissenting voices because, on the one hand, there is no precise information about the exact day Cervantes was born, and on the other hand, October's weather didn't quite suit a street celebration involving booksellers and writers.

So, the date was moved to April 23, a very important day for international literature as it marks the deaths of English playwright William Shakespeare, Incan writer Garcilaso de la Vega, and the burial of Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes, who had died on April 22.

Spain proposed to UNESCO in 1995 to declare April 23 as World Book Day, and since then, Book Fairs have been celebrated in virtually every city.

Must-See Routes at the 2024 Book Fair in Palma

The Book Fair in Palma celebrates an admirable 42 editions this year, hoping for good weather and enthusiastic crowds eager to explore the novelties, meet their favorite authors, and take home one or more books.

Book stalls will be set up in Jaime III, Paseo del Borne, Calle Blanquerna, Parque de las Estaciones, San Miguel, Plaza Major, or Las Ramblas, among other central locations in Palma. Additionally, since April 23 falls on a Tuesday this year, the fair will extend over several days so everyone can enjoy it.

Bookstores, of course, will open their doors to offer readers new releases or classic editions to read and reread, and the scent of roses will waft through the streets, as this day is also Sant Jordi, and the Catalan tradition of giving these flowers has always been shared in Mallorca.

In many shops or cultural spaces, writers will present their new works, answer readers' questions, and sign copies.

The Most Sought-After Books of 2024

We've done our research and found out the most sought-after books of this year's 2024 fair on April 23. Bookstores and establishments highlight the following as must-reads:

  • -The 2023 Planeta Prize winner, "Las hijas de la criada" by Sonsoles Ónega
  • -The 2023 Planeta Prize finalist, "La sangre del padre" by Alfonso Goizueta
  • -The 2024 Primavera Prize winner, "Loor" by Luis García Rey
  • -"La grieta del silencio" by Javier Castillo
  • -"La revuelta de las cariátides" by Petros Márkaris
  • -"El guardián de las espadas" by Casandra Clare, for younger readers

And if, after the encounter, you still crave more books, don't forget to read this post where we take you on a tour of Palma's trendiest bookstores.
