Curiosities You Didn't Know About the City of Palma
The capital of Mallorca, the city of Palma, is one of the most well-known and visited by tourists, yet it still hides secrets and curiosities that few know about.
No matter how much has been written about the Roman, Jewish, and Moorish city, the Reconquest, or the different cultures and traditions that have settled within its walls and subsequent expansions, there's always another hidden detail waiting to be discovered, adding charm to visits and strolls through the city.
At Es Príncep, we love to surprise you, and for that reason, we've uncovered the following curiosities about the city of Palma that you surely didn't know.
5 Unmissable Curiosities About the City of Palma
Our first curiosity takes us to the city's governing body, the town hall. In 1675, the sculptor Francesc Dragó and the stonemason Jaume Caragol completed the façade of the town hall. However, the incumbent mayor refused to acknowledge their work. In response, the two artisans decided to hide their signatures by placing a snail and a dragon among the details of the main wall.
Another curiosity is directly related to the names given to the streets of Palma. Nothing is left to chance. In the street called "Del Vent" (Of the Wind), there is a permanent breeze, and the Abu Yahya Square, the last Moorish king on the island, has a thoroughfare with an enlightening name: "31 de Diciembre" (December 31), the date when King Jaume I defeated the Muslim.
In the cathedral, there are many notable details, but one of the most striking is the rose window, one of the largest in Christian Europe of the medieval period, measuring 13 meters in diameter and consisting of 1236 glass pieces. Twice a year, on Candlemas Day - February 2nd - and on Saint Martin's Day - November 11th - the rose window duplicates and creates an eight, a fascinating light show that attracts many visitors and always delights everyone.
The hotel Es Príncep, located on the wall known as Es Baluard des Príncep, gets its name because it was built under the watchful supervision of the prince who would later become Philip II. If you haven't yet visited our Rooftop, or if you want to enjoy a unique moment in the Spa, we advise you have a look here.
Another place full of legends is Bellver Castle, whose circular structure is unique and the oldest in medieval Europe. Its name, translated as "beautiful view" in English, refers to the spectacular landscape that can be seen from the top of its walls at any time of the day.
Moreover, Palma is a city of cinema. Here, all kinds of film, series, and advertisement shoots have taken place... any corner of the city is likely to have been in the spotlight of some director or filmmaker.
What other curiosities do you know about Ciutat? Have you heard of the "hand of the Moor"? Or the legend of the bat? We're researching the main stories circulating in Palma, and very soon you'll be able to read about the most interesting legends that have been passed down from generation to generation to this day on this blog.